Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ello Mates!

Sorry that it has taken me a bit longer to get my blog out this week.  For whatever reason, I have been a bit busier this week...or at least it feels that way!

If you have been paying attention to world news, Southeast Asia has been getting hit with some major storms.  Chiang Mai has started to feel the effects of the Typhoon.  So far, I believe there have been 4 deaths in the area.  It hasn't flooded yet where I am staying.  We seem to be on higher ground and still able to get around.  Unfortunately, a few of the staff members at COC have been flooded and needed help getting out today by boat.  There is a large river that runs through Chiang Mai called the Ping river, which is what overflowed yesterday afternoon.  As well, there is a moat in the center of town which can cause problems if it continues to rain.  There is another Typhoon headed this way.  By the time it hits us, it should be a tropical storm.  Even though it will be downgraded, it still packs a mighty punch.  Please pray for the countries being effected: Phillipines, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia...Pretty much all the surrounding countries need prayer.

I am feeling a bit better.  My fever is gone and most of my cough.  Thanks for praying for that.  It isn't much fun being sick, especially in another country.  Thank goodness I thought to bring some cold medicine with me!!

This week we have been busy learning about the nature and character of God.  Such good stuff.  We have an amazing God and love that we get to have that relationship with Him!  Wednesday, we had hands on training with the children's ministry.  COC has it's own preschool, so we were able to work with the kids.  It was a great change of pace and fun to play with play-dough as well as the kids!  It was also fun working with people that are good at what they do.  Jenny does a great job with the preschoolers....reminded me of Mary Cockrill except Jenny has an Irish accent.

Also on Wednesday's, we have been doing an Urban Outreach to Chiang Mai University.  The goal is to establish relationships with the students and hopefully bridge the gap to the Thai church that runs out of COC. Not sure if I ever mentioned that but COC has 3 church services - Thai, Burmese and the International (the one I go to).  It has been a bit of a challenge connecting with the students.  Mostly due to the language barrier.  The last 2 visits have been good though.  Even though language is a challenge, the Thai students want to practice their English...which is good because we want to learn our Thai.  I hope that by the end of our time here, we will make at least 1 or 2 good relationships that will continue.

Prayer Requests:

- Continue to pray for my dad.  He is still waiting on a final word from Nashville about the possible treatments available for the prostate...which one will allow him to continue with the bone marrow transplant.  He has been extremely blessed with amazing Dr.'s and nurses in Cleveland and Nashville.  It has also been cool to hear about the relationships that have been built because of the cancer in my dad.  Pray for wisdom on how to handle the treatments and that God would continue to use my parents in this unique situation.

- The weather in Southeast Asia.

- Strength & clarity for myself.  That I would be able to discern through some of the teaching.  That I wouldn't take things at face value, but that I search the scriptures to understand who God really is.  Also, that I would be able to hear clearly from God about my next steps after my time here in Thailand.

I love hearing from you - so keep me posted on how you are doing!  If you are interested in skyping let me know.  I had a great visit with Mary, Shane & Elijah on Wednesday!

Talk with you soon!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Sa-watdii Ka Ohio!

I have heard from a few folks that they are having trouble posting comments on my blog.  I think I was able to correct try again!!

It has been another full week here in Chiang Mai.  Another book read and another book report completed!!  YAY!  This one was a little bit harder.  We read From Buddha to Jesus.  This a about a gentleman who grew up in a buddhist home that later became a Christian.  It was interesting but sort of hard to understand.  Because Thai is his first language, it made his translation to English a little bit harder to read.  I am glad that it is over but I am also glad for the stretch.  You know, sometimes we need to experience things to fully understand what we have.  So for that, I am grateful for the book.  Even more grateful that it is over!!

Last week we also learned more about being fit for ministry...inside & out.  How our bodies do not belong to us..they are God' take care of them!!  Which was wrapped around Deut. 6:5/Matt. 22:37/Mark 12:30 & Luke 10:27.  If you were involved in SLAM this summer you should know those verses...but for the sake of those that were not...Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of our soul, and with all of your mind, and with all of your strength.  And love your neighbor as yourself.  Again, honoring God in every area of your life is vital for being fit for ministry.

We had a few classes on personal & corporate prayer.  Why they are important on their own and how they go together.  When were are coming to God, asking for things that of Him.  Not being focused on ourselves...being focused on Christ.

Later in the week we learned about Welfare & Starting a Strategic Base.  This was really interesting and I think will be extremely helpful down the road.  This is where your vision gets played out and how to start it from the ground up.  It was great to hear how COC started in their ministries and the weaknesses and strengths that came out as a result.  It really boils down to the fact that it is now about you.  It is about people and leading them to Christ.  Showing the people the love of Christ through the things that God has called you to do, wherever you are!  Good stuff!!

I have also started riding my motorbike.  For those of you who don't know, Thailand's basic mode of transportation is a motorbike.  It took me a few Sunday's to practice, but I am managing to stay on it and actually get somewhere...SAFELY!  I am working my way up to the more populated roads but that won't be for another week or so.  Don't want to get TOO crazy!  Saturday was a fun girl day.  We went and got our nails done and then shopping.  It was nice to do something fairly normal and relax at the same time.  Later that afternoon, a few of us met at the U.N. Irish Pub to watch the World Cup - Australia vs. Ireland.  I had never experienced anything like it!  I had NO idea that Rugby was that exciting.  It is possible I have become a big fan!  Just so you know, the majority of people who work for COC are from Australia...and we have a few from Ireland...which made for a great match at the pub.  Ireland won!  I am looking forward to the finals, it should be really good.

If you have been praying for me I have 3 things to add to the list:

1 -  I am getting little bits of revelation from God on direction after Thailand.  That is why I really enjoying the strategic base class.  I think it is going to be vital for what I do next.  Please pray that God would continue to show me direction and that my time here would give me a good foundation for what is next.

2 - My dad has been battling cancer pretty much this entire year.  He is in remission of the cancer in his bones but the Dr.'s have discovered that he has a low grade of prostate cancer.  In order to have the bone marrow transplant, he must have his prostate removed.  Please pray for wisdom as what to do...he does have a few other options but that will possibly hinder the transplant down the road.  He is feeling great but it does get weighty after awhile.  No one likes being sick.

3 - I am sick.  I have a chest cold, an annoying cough and a fever.  Please pray that I could sleep well...I am not doing much of  that either.

I love you all and am so grateful for all of your support.
Keep checking facebook for pictures.  I am trying to add new ones each week!

Pra Jow Ooi Pon Ka!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Helmet Hair & Chopsticks

Sa Watdii Ka!

It is another great day here in Thailand.  It has been raining a lot the last few days.  It is still fairly warm though...I would say around 85/90 degrees.  I could be wrong but that is what it feels like.  There is usually a haze in the morning that burns off around noon or so.  It sort of reminds me of San Diego weather.  I am just glad that it doesn't snow here!!

Last week, after finishing up with the School of the Spirit, we helped out with Powerpack which is an organization that focus's on children's preforming arts.  Friday night featured groups doing different performances that encompassed the Gospel.  It was neat watching all the different kids and how they used their talents.  Saturday was a workshop that taught you how to do the different performances.  It made for a long weekend but it was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a Saturday!!

Saturday night, "the girls" when out for a "hen party".  For those of you that don't know what that is, it is an engagement party for the girl.  You can check out my photos on facebook!  It was a great time of fellowship with the Thai and Australian girls!!

Sunday I had my first motorbike lesson.  That was pretty interesting!  I was finally able to catch on but I am going to need a lot more practice before I go anywhere to far!!  You can be praying for that!

It is always great to hear from you - so keep me posted!

Pra jow ooi pon ka - God bless you!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Put Another One on the Barbie

It has been a great start to my training here in Thailand.  Last week was a good introduction to culture and how we adapt to it.  We read the book Foreign to Familiar, which was able to explain why we respond they way we do to culture.  Where we live and how we are, relates to how we adapt to the new culture we are in.  It was our first book of 10, and our first report of 5.  The next book we are to read is From Buddha to Jesus.  It should be an interesting read - and yes, I will have to write a report!

Friday night was a BBQ at can see some of my pics on facebook! It was a great time of fellowship and a chance for me to meet new people.  One of the cool things about IHOP is that the majority of people are missionaries from around the world.  It is so cool to hear their story and hear their heart for ministry in Thailand and beyond.  PLUS - eat great food!!

This week we are learning about the Holy Spirit at MTI.  It has been extremely interesting and eye-opening.  I have had to put aside a lot of my misconceptions due to my western culture.  I know that God is working on me and showing me who He is.  Pastor Vickers does a great job teaching.  He has laid a good foundation, which is helpful.  He is always going back to scripture...I love that!!  My brain is hurting after the end of the day but it is a good hurt!

I am finally getting adapted to Thailand.  The food is awesome and really inexpensive.  I am looking forward to learning how to cook Thai food.  There are several courses I can take from a Master Chef, so hopefully I can bring that back as a memory to share with you!  My Thai language studies are slowly coming around.  I am getting really good at saying "Thank you" and "How are you?"  I hope to expand a little more!  The Thai people are happy to help you if they don't understand what you are saying.  Actually, they want to practice their English, so it works on both ends.

There are a few pictures on my facebook that I have posted.  I was able to get my settings on my blog to change to English, so I will hopefully get some pictures on here.  If not, you can always check there.

I love hearing from all of you!  It is so great to keep up with you even though I am far away!

Have a great week!
