Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to Chiang Mai

After 30hrs of travel, I have finally arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand!!
I was greeted by Dennis (missionary & main teacher for MTI), Dr. Jane (do I really need to explain?  She also works at one of the children's home) & Katie (a former student and intern for one of the children's home.
They gave me a quick tour of the office/church/MTI (missionary training institue) and then off to Penny's Place, where I will be staying while in Thailand.
My room is very nice.  Once I figure out how to upload pictures in Thai, I can show you what it looks like.  I have a room to myself and my own bathhroom & shower, which is on the balcony.  I know that sounds at bit West Virginian but it isn't as bad as it seems.  It is actually European to me with the shower not having a curtain to catch the water.  So when I take a shower, most everything gets wet.  I guess that is one way to clean the bathroom!
Classes for MTI will start on Friday, so I have a little over a day to get onto a Thai schedule.y
Thanks again for supporting me on this journey.  Please pray that God will continue to give me understanding and wisdom as I make decisions.
Talk with you soon!


Anonymous said...

Kari glad you made it safely and that you have a nice place. Sorry I missed your send off at church. I was out of town on a mercy mission with Beth. We will be praying and watching for updates. May GOD grant you always...a sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray Heaven to hear you. (an Irish Blessing)

Mary C. said...

Kari. It's weird to know that you're on the other side of the world and just getting your day started. Sigh....weird. Anyway, besides that I was happy to read about your safe arrival and the fact that you have your own bedroom/bathroom. Sweet! Now I want to many other students are there with you? Did you start class today, the 25th? Are you hot there (I mean, you're always hot.....but I mean the temperature! ha!)

We love you LOTS and can't wait to keep reading about your adventures and God's work. LOVE YOU!!!!

Kari said...

There are 2 other students for MTI besides myself. Micah, who is from Austraila and Joanna who is from the UK but lives here in Chiang Mai. It is a bit odd to have a small class but I think it will work. God obviously knows what He is doing. Today was more of an orientation, going over rules and what to expect from the course. There is going to be a lot of reading and writing reports. I am not much of a reader so it may be a bit more difficult. The books are mostly wrapped around a mission concept so at least it will be an interesting read.

Tonight the entire COC group is meeting for dinner and then tomorrow we are touring Chiang Mai and to get a feel for the city. It should be fun.

I am finally adjusting to the time difference. Not quite as spacey! By Monday, I should be good to go!

It is hot-very hot! Although, this morning was a bit chillier because of the rain during the night. But now it is hot again. I am fortunate to have air in my room but as part of the course you are put on a budget so if I go over the monthly utility, I am responsible to pay out of pocket or take from my food fund. They want you to learn what it would be like if it was real life. So I only use the air while I sleep.

Keep your questions coming! I love hearing from you all!!