Sa! Watdii Ka!
It is hard to believe that I have been here for 6 weeks...and that there are only 6 weeks left for MTI. Time really goes fast!!
Last week we read the book, Grace the Power to Change, which was about....grace. It was a lot better than I thought it would be because I was slightly unsure how the author was going to portray grace. It boils down to this...we can never earn grace. It is a gift given by God in the measure we need for each day. You cannot depend on your abilities to save you...that becomes a work based religion. Grace is a covering which allows for a freedom in a relationship with God. It was a good book and I encourage anyone to read it if they want a better understanding of grace. Don't let the title scare you!
We learned more about Mission Concepts and Church Planting with Pastor Johnathan. He is a great teacher with a lot of experience. He always has great stories to tell which makes that class even more fun. His classes have been extremely helpful in preparing for my next steps. Or at least what I think are my next steps after MTI. I am hoping to have a better understanding on that by the time I get home.
DAD - you would be proud of me! I am getting quality time on my bike AND better yet surviving! I am actually liking riding the bike...maybe I will invest in one for home!
The weather here is getting slightly better. It is still raining quite a bit. Sunday night, the water broke through and damaged several areas, including a few of the Haven Homes (run by COC). Because of the flooding, there has been a lot of damage and loss of food. This Friday, a group of us will be going to Mai Jow (sp?) which is a few hours away. We are going to help pass out rice as well as help the people in need.
Updates on Prayer Requests:
- My dad has been taken off the transplant list in Nashville for the bone marrow because of the cancer in the prostate. He will need to get that treated before they will put him back on the list. SO, he will start radiation for the prostate, everyday for 15 min, for 9 weeks. He can only do this in Cleveland, which is an hour drive each way. Please continue to pray for him and my mom. They both seem to be handling it least what I can tell from Thailand! Pray for safety as he travels back and forth and that God would provide in ways that are no one can explain. Pray for opportunities for my parents & us as a family to share the Gospel and what God has been doing through our lives. Pray that lives would be changed!
- Weather in Southeast Asia. Even though the Typhoons have passed through, there is a lot of damage that remains. Many people have lost things, and even friends and family. Pray that we would be able to help the families in the area. That we would be used to come alongside the hurting and help them in their time of need. Pray that it would stop raining...or not as often so that people have a chance to recover.
- Continue to pray for wisdom and clarity of what God wants me to do when I come home. I have been thinking a lot about the homeless and feel that may be the area God wants to use me. As well as something with College and High school kids. Still trying to figure that all out.
- I am feeling loads better! My cough is finally gone and been able to function again!
Thanks for praying for me! It is nice to know that we have a God that can understand wherever we are!
Hope you all are doing well - keep me updated on your lives!!
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