Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pra Jaw Sandee!

Sa Wat Dii Ka!

It has been another great week in Thailand.  I am really starting to feel like I am at home...ya know, normal life!  I love being here and I am definitely going to miss the Thai people!!

This week for MTI, we were back in the classroom.  It was so hard to get back into the swing of things after such a great outreach to Mae Sot.  Monday the offices were closed - which was great to have a day off to sleep in and get caught up on a few things.  Wednesday - Friday, a group from Life Impact came and spoke about what they do in Mae Sot and as well teach us about character and prayer life on the mission field...and even just for everyday life.  We actually visited their children's home when we were in Mae Sot, so it was cool to already have that connection with them.

On Friday the Free Burma Rangers came to share what they do in Thailand & Burma.  All I can say is - AMAZING!!  God is definitely giving me a heart for the Burmese people...not sure what He is asking me to do for them but they are surely incredible people.  The Free Burma Rangers equip and train people groups inside Burma so they can help during times of war.  I would encourage you to check out video footage on youtube about the FBR.  Pray for Burma!  Pray for Thailand!

Saturday we had an outreach to the Old Peoples Home - similar to what our church does for the nursing home ministry.  They were SO excited to see foreigners and asked loads of questions.  It was a great time of fellowship, through singing and testimonies.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope we get a chance to go back again before our time is up!

Saturday afternoon a group of us went to a limestone waterfall.  It was SOOO beautiful.  It was a hot day so it was a great day to climb and play in the water.  I even came away with a few painful souvenirs!! Mai ben lai!!  It was a wonderful day and in awe of the beauty that God created!!

I know a few are wondering about the flooding here in Thailand.  There has been major flooding in Bangkok, which is south of where I am at.  Even though the flooding is far away, it is effecting the entire country.  Bangkok is a main distributor for food and water to the country.  Since the flood water is so high, it has been difficult for outlying cities to get the food & water to the grocery well as rice crops have been destroyed...which is a main staple for Thai people.  It is so sad when you realize that this is not just is effecting all lively hood.  It will be till March of next year before it will be back to normal.  Please pray for Thailand and the people...they definitely need to know that there is a God that loves them.

Prayer Requests:

- Pray for Thailand - (read above)

- Continue to pray for my new updates.  Still planning on radiation to start in December sometime.

- As I said above, God has given me a burden for the Burmese people.  I would love to know what capacity I am to be involved...what is it that God would like me to do with that compassion.  Also, that God would direct me in the last few weeks here.  That I wouldn't waste my time but that God would continue to open me up to what He desires me to do when I get back to America.

I love hearing from you!!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Suung Haa!

Sa Wat Dii Ka!

Just got back from a week outreach to Mae Sot.  It was an amazing time - hopefully I will be able to translate it into this blog.  Some things are just easier to understand if you experience them know what I mean?  Anyways, Monday we left for Mae Sot, which is about a 5-6 hr drive from Chiang Mai.  It is SW, near the Burma border.  We arrived in Mae Sot around 4ish pm - got settled in at the hotel and then out for dinner.  Tuesday was spent going to 2 children's homes in the Mae Sot area.  At both homes we played with the kids...entertained by balloons, bubbles and coloring.  The older kids liked playing football(soccer), hula hooping and different Thai games...or at least they were not familiar to me!!  It was so fun interacting with the kids, especially since we couldn't really communicate because of the language.  But kids still liked to have fun - no matter what language they speak.  It was definitely a humbling experience - one that I will never forget.

Wednesday we traveled about an hour north, up the Thai/Burma border to Mae La.  We visited a refugee camp that holds about 55,000 people.  This is just one of the many refugee camps along the border.  The houses are clumped together and made of bamboo and thatched roofs.  It is something that is so unbelievable.  The pictures don't do it justice.  In this camp, we spoke at a church.  We did a few skits that were linked between teaching.  Originally, we were told we were going to be with the youth group...then found out we were teaching the adults.  Needless to say, we weren't as quite prepared for that but God spoke through all of us and it worked better than if we had planned it.  The Burmese people are so wonderful and friendly.  They were extremely welcoming and friendly.  To hear their stories were incredible as well.  I realized after spending time with them, that I take a lot for granted.  It was such a special time...again, one I will never forget.

Thursday we spent the morning at the Rubbish Tip in Mae Sot.  Talk about an eye opener!  People live in this dump, as well as a school.  It broke my heart to see families living in this sad.  We had a chance to pass out some food and also share the gospel.  Plus, play with a few of the kids before heading back to the Bible College.  Each one of us taught about 40 min each to the college students.  There were about 16 young adults that came and spend all day learning about God and the Bible.  There dedication is incredible....they were so hungry for God.  Such an encouragement to me!  After teaching, we went to visit another children's home through Life Impact.  We went out to the land that will eventually have all the kids...right now, the older boys are staying on the property.  It was so great to see the kids run and play...and room for them to do whatever they wanted.  There are a lot of great things happening here in Thailand!

Friday morning before heading back to Chiang Mai, we went to the Friendship Bridge that crosses over to Burma.  The bridge is no longer open for people to cross, so there are many people crossing at the river illegally on rafts and boats.  The people are desperate for freedom and will do anything for it.  The time in Mae Sot was amazing.  So grateful for the opportunity to see all of it...makes me sort of sad that I couldn't do more but pray for the people.  But I am glad that I am more aware of the things going on...maybe one day I will be able to help.
Check out Facebook for all of the pictures of the outreach to Mae Sot!

Prayer Requests:

- There are only 4 weeks left of MTI - pray that these last weeks would be fruitful and that God would speak even more clearly into my life.  I still am not sure what to do after this - so pray for clarity and that I would hear God in the direction He wants me to go next.

-Continue to pray for my father.  Treatment for the prostate cancer will not start till December but in the meantime, pray for his health.  That he would continue to do well and stay in remission with the bone cancer.  Pray for good rest for both my parents as stress has had an effect on their sleeping.

**PRAISE** I am feeling SO much better.  I believe that the typhoid is least I am back to my normal self.  Pray that I would continue to get stronger and stay healthy the rest of my time here!

Thanks for your continued support!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Road Trip - Mae Sot

Sa Wat dii Ka!

As most of you know, I have been really sick that last week or so.  The staff Dr. has decided to treat me as if I had Typhoid, since I have A LOT of the symptoms.  There is also something very popular here called Dungee Fever that has similar symptoms but has no you have to ride it out.  After 3 full days of antibiotics I feel much better.  I am still very achy and tired but nothing like before.  Typhoid runs for about 2 weeks even after completing the medicine.  Thanks to everyone who is praying!

On a lighter side, yesterday a group of girls and I went to a Thai cooking class.  It was the one thing I really wanted to do here so I didn't want to miss out on it, even though I was not feeling so great!  It was a great time! We cooked 5 main courses along with 1 curry paste.  After you made each dish you got to eat it.  We were all so stuffed by the 3rd course, it got harder to eat anything after that.  I could barely manage to get down 1 whole meal, since it was my first real day back to eating.  It probably wasn't the best idea to go since I was sick but it was worth it in the end!!  I am so excited to come home and make Thai food for everyone -- lets hope that I can recreate them!!  Good thing they gave us a cookbook!

This will be the start of the 8th week for the MTI course.  I am very excited because we will be headed on a week long outreach to Mae Sot.  About 5 hours from Chiang Mai - close to the Burma border.  It should be an exciting time!  Looking forward to telling you about it when I get back!

Prayer Requests:

~ It looks like radiation will start towards the end of December for my dad.  Pray that he continues to grow stronger as time gets closer to radiation.  And that he would be prepared for the opportunities that he has around him.

~ Pray for my sickness.  That I would get the proper rest I need and that I would feel better.  That the antibiotics would work properly and that no one else would get sick.

~ Travel safety to Mae Sot as well as the opportunity to share with people about Jesus.

Thank you to everyone who is praying - and for your support!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Roy Mai Ka!

Sa watdii Ka!

It is another great day here in Chiang Mai!  The weather has been great - thank goodness all of the typhoons and flooding is over...hopefully!  Average temperature is about 90, with loads of sun.  It is going to be a shock when I come home, seeing as it is in the 50's and even colder when I get back.

Last week we went to Mae Jam to help pass out food and supplies to the villagers that suffered from the flooding.  It was incredible to see them go on with daily life, like nothing was bad.  Makes you realize that material things are really not that important.  It was a really nice visit and Dr. Jane was able to help some of the people with medical issues due to the flooding.  You can check out some of my photos on facebook.

It was great to get back to Penny's Place today, to have a  package waiting for me from home.  I loved getting all those letters and pictures from the people of ALCF.  It made me feel SO loved.  I hope you all know how much I appreciate you for helping make this adventure possible.  It is because of your support that I am here...and I am truly grateful for it!

We are now in the middle of week 7 for MTI - so crazy to think I have been here that long.  We have been learning a lot about the call of God and how to know what that sounds like.  As well, we have finished another book - Annointed for Burial by Todd Burke.  He was a missionary to Cambodia during the early 70's.  Very interesting book...almost exhausting.  Each page was jam packed with amazing things that God did during their time there.  This week we are reading Growing up Spiritually and will need to write a report on it.  I have to say it is much easier to just read a book than writing a report.  Sometimes I am at a loss for words...especially after a full week of learning.  The brain is on overload - that is for sure!!  A GOOD overload!

Prayer Requests:

- You can keep praying for my dad.  He will be starting radiation soon for the prostate.  He did great on the last Chemo, so pray that this will be the same.  It is a lot of travelling back and forth to Cleveland, so pray for safety as well.

- I am sick again.  Not sure exactly what I have...feels like Malaria - KIDDING but it is really annoying.  Last night and today I have been really achy and have had a bad headache along with a fever.  I am hoping that this is the end of the sickness.  Please pray that I would get restful sleep so I can at least push through the day.

- Guidance/clarity/wisdom - I am still try to figure out what to do when I leave to come home.  I have a couple ideas but not sure if that is what God wants me to do.  Mostly pray that I would be listening to Him.

- Next week we (MTI) are going to Mae Sot for a week outreach.  I am excited to go and see more of Thailand.  I will be teaching one night to the Bible School - about 45 young adult students for 1 1/2hrs.  Please pray that God would speak through me to the students and that it would be a growing time for me as well.

Don't forget to check out my pictures on Facebook!

Love you

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuk won way la

Sa! Watdii Ka!

It is hard to believe that I have been here for 6 weeks...and that there are only 6 weeks left for MTI.  Time really goes fast!!

Last week we read the book, Grace the Power to Change, which was about....grace.  It was a lot better than I thought it would be because I was slightly unsure how the author was going to portray grace.  It boils down to this...we can never earn grace.  It is a gift given by God in the measure we need for each day.  You cannot depend on your abilities to save you...that becomes a work based religion.  Grace is a covering which allows for a freedom in a relationship with God.  It was a good book and I encourage anyone to read it if they want a better understanding of grace.  Don't let the title scare you!

We learned more about Mission Concepts and Church Planting with Pastor Johnathan.  He is a great teacher with a lot of experience.  He always has great stories to tell which makes that class even more fun.  His classes have been extremely helpful in preparing for my next steps.  Or at least what I think are my next steps after MTI.  I am hoping to have a better understanding on that by the time I get home.

DAD - you would be proud of me!  I am getting quality time on my bike AND better yet surviving! I am actually liking riding the bike...maybe I will invest in one for home!

The weather here is getting slightly better.  It is still raining quite a bit.  Sunday night, the water broke through and damaged several areas, including a few of the Haven Homes (run by COC).  Because of the flooding, there has been a lot of damage and loss of food.  This Friday, a group of us will be going to Mai Jow (sp?) which is a few hours away.  We are going to help pass out rice as well as help the people in need.

Updates on Prayer Requests:

- My dad has been taken off the transplant list in Nashville for the bone marrow because of the cancer in the prostate.  He will need to get that treated before they will put him back on the list.  SO, he will start radiation for the prostate, everyday for 15 min, for 9 weeks.  He can only do this in Cleveland, which is an hour drive each way.  Please continue to pray for him and my mom.  They both seem to be handling it least what I can tell from Thailand!  Pray for safety as he travels back and forth and that God would provide in ways that are no one can explain.  Pray for opportunities for my parents & us as a family to share the Gospel and what God has been doing through our lives.  Pray that lives would be changed!

- Weather in Southeast Asia.  Even though the Typhoons have passed through, there is a lot of damage that remains.  Many people have lost things, and even friends and family.  Pray that we would be able to help the families in the area.  That we would be used to come alongside the hurting and help them in their time of need.  Pray that it would stop raining...or not as often so that people have a chance to recover.

- Continue to pray for wisdom and clarity of what God wants me to do when I come home.  I have been thinking a lot about the homeless and feel that may be the area God wants to use me.  As well as something with College and High school kids.  Still trying to figure that all out.

- I am feeling loads better!  My cough is finally gone and been able to function again!

Thanks for praying for me!  It is nice to know that we have a God that can understand wherever we are!

Hope you all are doing well - keep me updated on your lives!!
